Technology Reinvented (or Recycled)…

Every few years I find that there are pieces (sometimes big ones) that I have not played with or encounted on a customer project and it tends to freak me out a bit. We have now arrived at that point in the cycle yet again! Expression, SilverLight, WPF and the like are all technologies that you will likely never see me present upon, but in the aftermath of MIX 08 and whole WideOpen Web movement I just have to dive in deeper and see what the implications are for the parts of the technology that I do use daily.
I think this is a key survival trait for me and I encourage everyone to reach down into that free time (you are still sleeping right?) and get a grip. The good news is that great blogs and podcasts are making this much easier then ten years ago. I promise to report what I find here and might even ask a non-rhetorical question or two ;)