In New England we are holding our fourth Code Camp in late September (24th and 25th) in the Waltham, MA offices of Microsoft. This is where it all began and the fourth will likely be bigger than those before it.
I wanted to not only remind people of the date, but also tell about a special meeting that will help us deliver better and better community content by fostering the develop of our technical speakers. The local (and newly formed) MCT User Goup is focusing their meetings on helping sharpen technical presentation skills and their September 1st meeting (6:00 PM I think in the Waltham MS Office) is dedicated to what can only be called a Code Camp speaker casting call. We are hoping to educated and recruit the next generation of Code Camp presenters and establish a best practice of actually caring about the quality of local technical presentations.
Hope to see you there if you are interested in being a technical presenter, are already a technical presenter or just like / are good at heckling technical presenters!
Category Archives: Events
Tsunami Relief Auction Part 2
For those of you that haven’t heard, I am participating in yet another Ebay auction to raise money for Tsunami relief. I know the media has moved on, but many people are still in trouble and need help. If you want to be a puppeteer for an hour with me or some of the biggest speakers at TechEd US this year then click here and place a bid.
I know you typically expect this blog to be strictly security, but I will always make room here for events and efforts like this.
TechEd 2005 GrokTalks
For those of you going to TechEd this year, I hope we see you at the RD GrokTalks. I would define them here, but Scott Hanselman has already put it so well than I imagine I am best off linking to his post here.
Let me know what you think of the idea.
TechEd Attendees Gone Wild…
As we start to ramp up for TechEd US things are already getting weird. I shouldn’t be surprised, but two guys that I know well and expect most of the people who read this also know of created a video redolent with inside jokes. Scott Hanselman and Rory Blythe star in this very short video that parodies a semi famous encounter in which our favorite germophobe (Rory) met Don Box in the bathroom at a past TechEd.
Enjoy the video, and if you don’t get it then you need to start going to TechEd!
Strangest and Coolest thing…
My good buddy, Stephen Forte, had a zany and brilliant idea (we are used to both from him, just not at the same time)!
The concept is that about 20 of us that do the book and speaker thing have offered up consulting time to be auctioned off on eBay with all proceeds going to Tsunami Relief. I loved the idea and hope it works out to be a big success.
Rather than duplicate Stephen’s fine post I will just provide a link. Help support it if you can or just spread the word. Good cause!
MSDN Events Winter Schedule
MSDN puts on local events and it is that time again. I just checked out the registration site and have decided to go to the Bedford, NH event this Thursday. I have the added advantage that Joe Stagner runs these events in my area, but I know that other sections of the country also have stars like Russ Fustino involved so you should definitely check it out.
C Sharp Group of Greater Boston Event
Code Camp Franklin Style!
Carl Franklin and the New England office of Microsoft are putting on another edition of the Code Camp event. This time it is a mini-Code Camp with Carl doing the one man band thing all about VB.Net.
If you can make it to the MS Waltham office on January 23rd then you should. Registration is already online here.
Carl is one of my favorite speakers. If you haven’t seen him before then don’t miss this, if you have then I don’t have to encourage you!
Demos from TechEd Hong Kong Sessions
As promised I am posting all the demos from TechEd Hong Kong last week.
DEV370: Developing Applications Under Windows XP Service Pack 2
Special thanks to Jon Box and Dan Fox of Quilogy for developing and presenting this session for TechEd US. This is the only one of the sessions I presented in Hong Kong that I actually got a chance to attend.
DEV413: Server Control Tips & Tricks
DEV413 (719.44 KB)
Session originally done by Rob Howard of Telligent Systems at TechEd US
DEV414: Black-belt ASP.NET – Tips And Tricks For Your ASP.NET Applications
DEV414 (228.42 KB)
Session originally done by Rob Howard of Telligent Systems at TechEd US
DEV462: Windows Forms – Tips And Tricks To Improve Your Performance
DEV462 PerfTalk (216.04 KB)
Session originally done by Mike Henderlight of Microsoft at TechEd US
DEV463: Windows Forms: Controls Tips And Tricks (700.28 KB)
Session originally done by Ken Getz of MCW Technologies TechEd US
Thanks to everyone who attended the sessions. Thanks again to the original TechEd presenters of these sessions for their help since it is always a challenge to do well presenting content developed by others that matches their particular style and strength.
I would encourage anyone who has the opportunity to see any of these people present to take the opportunity as you will learn alot and come away enlightened and entertained.
New .Net User Group has its first meeting tomorrow night…
The Downtown Boston .Net User group is having it’s first meeting tomorrow night. In a coordinated effort with the Boston .Net User group that regularly meets outside Boston in the Microsoft Office in Waltham, MA, Sam Gentile is hosting a downtown version for those that find it hard to escape the traffic.
Tomorrow night Sam is starting things off with his CLR Internals session which from all reports is a must attend!
Full details are best found here.